
Hear from our users about their experiences with Centi. From efficient remittance services to secure peer-to-peer transactions, see how Centi is making a difference in their lives.

History & Outlook

  1. Coming up
    First product launch
  2. Coming up
    Partner integration announcement
  3. August 2020
    Regulatory clearance (VQF membership)
  4. July 2020
    Centi backend load test successful
  5. July 2020
    Centi Ltd. closes seed round
  6. April 2020
    Start of backend development
  7. March 2020
    Centi Ltd. is founded

Our users about their experiences with Centi

Digitize Cash

No One Can Access Your Funds

Remittance Services

Wide Acceptance

Peer to Peer Transactions

Micropayment Friendly
